Tuesday 2 June 2009


Yes - a hearty hoorah!

Today's visit to see the hospital consultant has ended in complete success!

The elbow is well on the way to recovery; the medical man was more than satisfied with my recovery so far, and it is now only a matter of time for it to be fully healed. A bit obvious I know, but I'm so happy I don't care - say what you want.

Apart from stopping on the way home to buy some new art materials (you can tell I'm really feeling so much happier, can't you), I'm just so ready to start working "properly" again.

That's all follks!

Enjoy your art.



  1. Hi Mr Pabs,

    Glad to hear you are fully recovered from your elbow injury and i am looking forward to seeing more of your paintings, (no more excuses).

    Huggs DJFSxxx

  2. oops sry on first comment, gee a girl should learn to read all the text instead of skipping through (yeah yeah pabs, no all woman don't do that just me) Anyways i am very glad to hear you are well on the way to full recovery. Yes i am still looking forward to viewing your latest paintings.

    Huggs again DJFSxxx
