Wednesday 25 March 2009

Knocked Back (Metaphorically)

Well, a few days off with no postings - has anyone missed me? Probably not, but hey ho!

I still struggle with the Old Hall sketch, but the Old Bridge is done, but not painted - maybe today is the day?

Throughout life you sometimes come across artistic types who say they cannot work as it is "not the right moment" or some other waffle. Hmm, so I thought too, until you try it yourself. It can be very difficult to just "turn on the paint works" - even less so if you feel under the weather or have been knocked back in some other way.

Mobility problems are amongst the bains of my life, and this last weekend I have faltered, so feeling less like painting than any other "not the right moment". But, before that I was able to go out and get some more wonderful source material with my trusty digital camera (which is why I ended up suffering in the first place). Now on a good "run" can I turn them into something worthwhile? Hope so.

Normally I'm a very bright, happy old soul which I hope comes through in my work - big, bright, bold colours, and subjects - and the challenge I set myself is to try and portray these objectives in all my subjects - no matter how many knock backs I encounter!


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