Saturday 18 April 2009


Happy - whatever ..............

(there's bound to be a festival or carnival etc somewhere in the World going on!)

Would you believe it - this last little Bratz painting that has only just been completed this very weekend, has been snatched up and claimed already.

Remember the recent tale about little hands rummaging through a pile of stuff and saying that this one looks good etc, but it needs finishing? You do? Great, you have been reading and taking things in. Well, those same little hands have now laid claim to the finished piece.

Methinks it is a case of acquisition by stealth - or some other legal waffle, but you all get what I'm thinking of. Especially all those who have the pleasure of grandkids, or access to little ones close to you in your families that you can spoil.

I'm not complaining really. It's just so nice to see a very genuine look of pure pleasure on a little one's face when you can give them something that they really want and treasure, however simple it may be. They think they have in their hands the very prize of prizes - the ultimate item for them - until something new comes along then that goes in the back of a drawer, wardrobe or cupboard, and they rush off to get the next new thing!

Now, if only that stealth could very occasionally be transferred into movement around a house - sort of a "quiet as a mouse" type stealth. Wouldn't that be something!

Till next time.


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