Friday 10 April 2009


At last bloggers - here they are!

Despite overcoming every technological hurdle known to man (and believe me, new ones are purposely invented daily, just to test me), I am pleased to be able to reveal my latest 4 acrylics.

Yeah, they are of the Bratz origin; those noble, cute, loveable forms so endeared to our children and grandchildren, mainly of the female variety (though other genders are readily avaliable).

Each one of them is painted on hardboard using acrylic paint, primed with up to 3 coats of gesso - each one lovingly applied by mine own hand, and sanded in between coats to reveal a surface akin to, er ................. primed hardboard!

I have to be honest, and ask you - what more could you possibly want or ask for in a fine work of art?

As I hope you are already aware of (this is a test to see which of you have been reading all of my previous blogs) - none of these 4 gorgeous pin-up girls are for sale.

BUT! I hear you all gasp - such and such a one is:

a) just like my current girlfriend

b) just like my sister

c) nothing like anyone in our family

d) like one I saw on "Most Wanted"

e) the girl of my dreams and I need to get out more.

So there you have it (well, them technically speaking, as there are obviously more than one of them). Each one of these roughly speaking 8" x 10" beauties is one her way to a bedside in a hospice near me!

Seriously - hope you like them, and they add a bit of colour to the day.


1 comment:

  1. WOW, again great paintings, wish i looked like one of the bratz. *smile awesome pics Mr Pabs

