Friday 17 April 2009

Blistered Brushes!

Avast there, me hearty bloggers!

Well it sounded a good, wholesome, hearty welcome to me.

Anyway, gosh, it seems as if I have been painting non stop for, er ................ a long time.

Well to me it does anyway. But, at last, there is light at the end of the tunnel or tube - probably because it's empty due to me using so much. BUT, and it is a big but because it's in capitals (note the correct spelling our little American chums), very good progress has been made.

My last Bratz thing has been done, completed, finished, ended, so now I can take a little rest, recharge my battery powered drawing hand, and look forward to something else I have in the pipeline, as they say.
It really does seem as though my poor little brushes have blisters on them, they have been working so hard! But at least they have now seen the back (well, front really) of this batch of hardboard paintings.
My next paintings I must admit, I am rather looking forward to having a go at - in the nicest possible sense - because I am going to start and work on bamboo paper! Now don't go start getting all excited; I am not going all Oriental, far from it. It's a new medium (to me) that I have stumbled upon, and am really intrigued by its possibilities. More details to follow.
So don't miss the next thrill a minute, suspense filled edition that is "A Colourful Life".

1 comment:

  1. *Smiles another great painting, thinking this is my favourite Bratz girl, the colours are so bright and clear, and wow the eyes and lips really catch the eyes. She looks like she is dancing to a MTT tune. GREAT JOB Mr Pabs.

    Mandy xx
