Monday 16 November 2009

Eggxciting times!

Howdy Bloggers

Hope you are all well as usual, and don't forget - there are only so many shopping days left to Xmas!

As an update to all you eager updaters - here goes. Thursday I had 2 whitish eggs, obviously from 2 of my hens, both being soft shelled and of no use. Think on though - they are young hens and it's a "first" for them, with what could be quite a shock! However, Saturday I had the very pleasant surprise of an egg from my last hen to lay; we caught sight of her nestled in the coop, so had a good idea as to what she was hopefully up to.

Imagine if you can the thrill of discovering a perfect blue shelled egg once she had left the coop and gone outside to join the others!

Nothing else until today, when I had a second blue shelled egg - we are on our way!

As yet there is no repeat from the first couple of hens, but as I said, they are young, so I'm not worried.

This has given me fresh impetus to try and get them down on paper etc, and I have started to try a few loose watercolours and sketches as they explore and go about their new world around the back garden when we let them out of the run.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks, I may be able to show you the produce of my labours too.

Whatever your art, enjoy it.


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