Tuesday 24 November 2009

The Colour's In The Water


Monday we were back again at the life drawing group I go to. Not a class as such, nobody judges anyone else's work and it's not led by anyone, just a nice group of fellow artists who enjoy taking on the challenge that is nude life drawing. When it works well, we have an alternate male and female model once a week, but as with most things, we find that "It Ain't Necessarily So" as the song goes!

Since I've been going (a couple of months now), I have tried pen & ink, charcoal, pastels (hard & soft), and pencil works. I am trying to find the best medium with which to work quickly, and one that's easily transportable for me.

Recently I borrowed a couple of art mags, and in one of them was an article covering loose watercolour drawing, which was so interesting I just had to use it to give watercolours a try.

Without trying to appear clever or big-headed, one thing I can do is mix up a good level of skin colours and flesh tones. My wife sometimes says she does not like my works, but she does like the skin tones! Using this, I made up several mixes and had a go trying to reproduce a likeness of our female model.

And pleased with the results I am too. This must be the first time that I can think of that I have really got to grips with washes and limited palette colours all in one session. Of course, they are not perfect, but as with all things, that little word practice just seems to pop up again and again.

Why don't you get yourself some materials and have a go - I'm sure you would enjoy it, and maybe even be pleasantly surprised with your results!



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