Friday 27 August 2010

Sifting through

Hello there.

I try hard not to be repetative, but my health and circumstances have meant that I have not been able to do what I have wanted, as in catch up with projects, finish things, start new works, put into place new ideas etc.

Yes, sometimes it gets a little boring, but that's just how things are. Physically I am not always able to do what it is that I want and need to do. Hard though it is (believe me, it's bloody hard at times) that's how it is.

In this "state" I have come up with an idea I have been able to work at on and off, piece by piece, a little at a time, namely going through all of my old sketchbooks, earlier drawings and scribbles - and kind of sorting through the wheat and the chaff. All of the good stuff, those with ideas linked to them have been retained, the rest binned. Of the retained material I hope to be able to rework all of those ideas and thoughts into a couple of easy to use sketchbooks instead of countless reams of jumbled bits of paper and messy books.

What I hope to have is a couple of new books with a better grasp of what it was I am trying to get out of an image or idea; to get something down on paper that I can really sit next to and work up into that final work that I can see, understand, and put my name to.

Does that sound too difficult, too backweard a step, or even too vain?

Whatever your art - enjoy it.


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