Friday, 12 July 2013


Hi there

Not too much to report this time apart from I have been sort of technical for me and updated the blog so you can now all join in and follow it via Google+  I'm not quite sure how it all works, and I am a sucker for a good salesman, but if it all works to plan then it should help you all get to read my blog, and me to get more blog followers. That's as I understand it. Will someone prove me wrong?

Art wise we have closed the Goole club for summer, and the local one at Margaret's is open until we have a one month break, closing for August. So, it has been a case of catching up and reading through some art magazine's I subscribe to, also reading up on a couple of art books (mainly about Turner), and sitting in the garden planning a few pictures and messing about with watercolour sketches.

This is one I have had a go at copying from a photograph, an old time sailing barge, and one I think is probably the last of its kind.

Personally I love the sails, the colours have worked out just right in my opinion, and some good art group friends say the water is the best I have ever done, which I appreciate coming from fellow artists.

The sky, well I'm not too sure with, my wife doesn't like it, saying I have done far better skies, and I do value her opinion.

There are a couple of other vessels I have done in the same manner - I'm not of sea blood so cannot state confidently what they are. The first is so bad I have started a second attempt, using the exercise to learn from bad and silly mistakes. The second is not yet completed, so when I have them done I will post all three in one set for your comments.

Lastly for now - some of you may remember I have been working on some lifeboat station paintings, well one of them  has been seriously practised on and I have photographed it below. I can see one or two areas I want to improve on before I will be happy with it. I hope to produce at least two works for my friend to use raise funds for the lifeboat station near her at an event she runs at the end of August. What you see will be mainly what this picture will be, but if anyone has any valid comments, then please do not be afraid to say so; I can take constructive criticism you now!

Slowly there are a few more completed works for me to post now on my blog, just remember what I have said before - I can't just sit and churn stuff out. Maybe it's the one good advantage that comes from me not posting too regularly in that it gives me time to produce things.

One of my other aims is to be able to produce some oil paintings by the end of the year; nothing special, just smallish Impressionistic paintings as a change from watercolours, which will always be my main 'thing'. The occasional oil painting may just give me that odd break to do something a little 'different' but keep my hand in at working. Who knows?

Until next time, whatever your art - enjoy it. Regards,


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