Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Recent Events

Hello - quick tea-break for you!

A new member since last time is Rosemary - and I thank you Rosemary for taking the time to register as a  follower - I appreciate it. There are a few other people who are also trying to join as followers, but seem to be having trouble registering, so we may have some new friends in a few days time. I am trying to do what I can to help them, but I hope they are patient, persevere and my "help" pays off!

Last Monday the Life Drawing Group was not on, so that was that, and I was not well enough to go to the 2 kids groups and the adult group I attend locally. So, no art groups - no genius to work that out!

Yesterday it was unsure if the same Life Drawing Group was on or not, and I was the only one from our group who could make it, so I decided not to go, especially seeing as I'm not in possession of a phone number. This afternoon I start back at the kid's art group, and tonight I am looking forward to the adults group too!

So there you have it - short and sweet, so to speak. Don't worry though, I will get down to the next posting soon, with news of a sale! Yes - I do sell some of my works now and again.

Until next time - whatever your art - please enjoy it.



  1. Congrats on the sale!! Whooooo!

  2. Why thank you kindly Ma'am - I now look forward to hearing of you selling one of your stories or articles - go for it!


  3. Big hugs and congratulations on your sale, keep up the good artistic work

    love you lots

