Friday, 8 May 2009


Evening all - and especially to my new "follower" with the world's longest title!

Have you ever played "Frustration" which was a game I think marketed some time in the 80's? If it wasn't actually the 80's, then there's usually someone who does know such life maintaining facts, and can put me right. This edition of the blog is so called due to the fact that this week I have spent most of my time working on my art, producing so far 7 works of varying degrees of success and experimentation. And, it's only early Friday evening!

I now have a small, steadily growing mound of work. "Great", you may say; so what's your frustration? And a mighty fine, intelligent question it is too, given the above mentioned facts.

The frustration comes in the light of (or non light as you will soon find out), a distinct lack of photography and PC production. I personally prefer to photograph my work outside, in good light, maybe even "sunshine", but as we all know and love living here in England it is not always so. More often than not the floodlights "fail" - and that's only in daylight. So it has been once again this week.

Whereas it stayed dry enough for me to do a couple of small outside jobs, it was no-where good enough to get my camera, tripod, easel and works out.

Aha! I have a cunning Plan "B" to turn to (no - I was not a boy scout!). There are some pictures still on my camera which I can download onto the PC and work with them for my files, website and blog. Simples!

Nah - not in your wildest dreams. For some reason known only to the little Japanese men working within the confines of my camera, nothing seems to want to transfer from camera disk to PC. Is it some sort of a holiday in Japan I wonder?

So, as you can now see - this is leading to large chunks of frustration, coupled in between washes of watercolour and swathes of ink upon paper. Don't forget the continuous supply of tea too!

I am at somewhat of a loss, even though I have been "productive", and it's not really my fault. Ah well, at least it has not resulted in loss of life or limb, as my wife would say; so that makes it all right then!

Guess this just means you will all have to log back in again next week to see if it has corrected itself, and my face is once more a smiley. Until then, er .... here's one a did earlier!

It's after Paul Cezanne - soft pastels worked on pastel paper, sprayed with a pastel fixative and enhanced with a cardboard mount.

Enjoy your art.


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