Thursday, 28 February 2013

Still Trying!

Hi there, and thanks for hanging in there with me!

Yes I know, it's been some time since my last post in December, but I'm finding that it's not always easy to post. Writing a regular blog is at times not as easy as anyone would imagine, plus there are certain issues that make it hard for me to post on a fairly regular basis, then when I have time to post I forget or seem to be distracted, but I hope that once the year gets warming up and I get more involved with things, then I can make more effort.

Xmas and the New Year have come and gone, and it's only now at the end of February that I'm back at the two art groups I'm a member of, and enjoying my art once more. Our very small local group which meets in one member's house broke up well before Xmas as that member had family staying from abroad, and we felt it only right that they have as much time as they wanted without us intruding!

The second group to which I belong - Goole Art Society - knew that I would not be travelling there in the winter along what can be very difficult roads come this time of year, added to which my health took a dip and was not able to go as the weather improved. HOWEVER, that is now all in the past and my colleague and I have been across to Goole a couple of times, and our small local group head back to the homely surrounding of Margaret's conservatory starting this coming Tuesday!

Some of the photo's you may remember me mentioning during our trip to the east coast I have had a go at working up into watercolours. The main one so far is of South Landing, Flamborough, which went on display at Goole, and was purchased soon after the exhibition ended. There have also been two works of the Lifeboat Station at the same place, one painted and the second sketched out, waiting for me to paint, plus a rough working of one of the sea angling kayakers, also from the same venue. In one of my watercolour sketchbooks there are a couple of works of Whitby Harbour that I tried and tried to turn into something half-decent, and each time failed miserably! One small work of a colourful rowing boat close to the harbour wall has some merit and I would like to have another go at working on that later. Completing the coastal theme there is also one grey seal laid on the beach I have worked on, which is a little unusual as I don't normally work on animals, but more of them later.

Trying to keep busy and occupied I also have a sketch done of the 'Cow and Calf' which is a rock formation above the town of Ilkley in West Yorkshire which also needs painting; a watercolour of Richmond Castle which I like, but think it could be better, so will think about it; one row of small cottages also from Richmond which I'm in the process of completing now, and as mentioned before - animals - a pencil sketch of two giraffes sits in my rack waiting for the paint to hit the paper. So as you can see, it's getting to be quite a busy time on the art front.

This Saturday - 2 March 2013 the Goole Art Society is taking part in a 'hobbies exhibition' at the town's Leisure Centre, with several of us taking a couple of paintings each to display. Hopefully we will generate some interest, maybe even a new member or two, who knows?

Right, I hope that has brought you up to date somewhat, and that you will be able to reap the benefits (???) as I try to link things together, like join this blog onto my Google+ account and vice-versa! If I can get a few more folks linked, it may help a little more with input etc and I won't feel like I'm just typing to myself each time!

Whatever your art, please enjoy it.

