Friday, 12 February 2010


Hi again - me back for the 3rd time this week!

It's OK, it really is me again! Another couple of things that have crept into my head recently, and I had forgotten to pass on are these 2 little items.

Firstly, I read a few months back about primarily American artists who like to use heavy brown paper for using watercolours, and Gouache paints on. If I recall correctly there was some kind of debate as to how easily acquired these painting booklets were - they were becoming somewhat elusive. The deep and mid-toned browns this sort of paper provides gives a unique base for some wonderful works, and it needn't be expensive.

Some purists prefer to buy ready made booklets of this paper to carry out into the field with them or wherever, and it is possible to track some of these down, but, for a fraction of the outlay, you can still buy the good old fashioned wrapping paper - primarily from the post office that will do just as good a job. You can use this paper in your own individually sized pieces, or if feeling crafty can make them into your own personal booklets. If you want to be even more adventurous - then why not use the inside of some cardboard boxes found in everyday use? My gouache paints imparticular are being tried out on this method.

My second thought concerns acryilics. Since I have been back painiting and have discovered acrylics which were never around "when I we're a lad!" I have always used Reeves Acrylics, even after trying several other brands, and been very pleased with their results on my work. All of my finished acrylics on my web pages are done using them. Results on my style of work have been so good that I recommend them, as at the top of the blog. But recently I have seen another brand which seems to have revolutionised this form of medium, so I have bought a small set and am going to have a go with them. Once I have had a couple of attempts with them, I will let you know my thoughts on them.

There is no way that I would jump ship purely for the sake of it, or for "fashionable" reasons, but if something really improves your work, or the way you work, then it would be foolish not to have a try with it and find out for yourself.

So, whatever your style of art - then please enjoy it.


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Pen & Ink

Good morning to you all across the World!

I hope you are well, and while I have not been able to post for the last 2 weeks, I hope your sketching is coming on leaps and bounds!!! You have been doing some - I hope?

The last 2 sessions of the Life Drawing Group (LDG) I have been to I have taken my ink pens, using just them for the first Monday, and in a combination with some watercolours for the second Monday which was this week. Having gone through quite a selection process of deciding which materials etc to use since joining the LDG, I thought I had all the final decisions made - but alas no.

The initial poses are very short, but it's good to get loosened up, ready for the longer ones. This now means only one thing - and it does not include mixing paint for a 1 minute pose! So pencil or ink pen for these it is then. In addition I have decided not to draw the full body instead deciding to mainly go for the top half of the body, which will give me slightly more time to try and get a decent sketch done. When a pose has been done to my liking, and there is time to spare, I use this time to practice the bits we normally miss or take for granted like ears, hands and feet. Hopefully these will pay off and I will see an improvement over the weeks and months.

My longer pose time was taken with a combination of ink and watercolour, some coming out OK and others not so, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Not every session will be a good productive one in terms of quality of work, but it is never a waste. As long as you can see your own faults, and think about how to correct them, then it has been a good session, and that's a big part of what counts.

Whatever your art, until next time - enjoy it.

Hopefully some scans of my recent works will appear over the weekend.
