I have just realised that I owe everyone who has ever read this blog, a very big "Thank You", and especially to those who have kept on reading it, as I have very recently passed the 1,000 mark on hits! That's excellent - thank you once again.
That is an amazing achievement when I sit back and think just how long it since I have been doing this, and the fact that I have not always posted, or been able to. This blog started, I think, in March of this year - 2009 - and I have had more hits on this blog than running both of my websites combined. What a thought that is. It's simply stunning when I think about it.
Hopefully if anyone feels they know someone who would like to become a follower, then please ask them to sign in; remember it's free, and totally safe, and they can become a part of the next 1,000 hits.
Whatever your art - just have a go and enjoy it.