Sunday, 29 November 2009

Thank You!

Hi there!

I have just realised that I owe everyone who has ever read this blog, a very big "Thank You", and especially to those who have kept on reading it, as I have very recently passed the 1,000 mark on hits! That's excellent - thank you once again.

That is an amazing achievement when I sit back and think just how long it since I have been doing this, and the fact that I have not always posted, or been able to. This blog started, I think, in March of this year - 2009 - and I have had more hits on this blog than running both of my websites combined. What a thought that is. It's simply stunning when I think about it.

Hopefully if anyone feels they know someone who would like to become a follower, then please ask them to sign in; remember it's free, and totally safe, and they can become a part of the next 1,000 hits.

Whatever your art - just have a go and enjoy it.


Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The Colour's In The Water


Monday we were back again at the life drawing group I go to. Not a class as such, nobody judges anyone else's work and it's not led by anyone, just a nice group of fellow artists who enjoy taking on the challenge that is nude life drawing. When it works well, we have an alternate male and female model once a week, but as with most things, we find that "It Ain't Necessarily So" as the song goes!

Since I've been going (a couple of months now), I have tried pen & ink, charcoal, pastels (hard & soft), and pencil works. I am trying to find the best medium with which to work quickly, and one that's easily transportable for me.

Recently I borrowed a couple of art mags, and in one of them was an article covering loose watercolour drawing, which was so interesting I just had to use it to give watercolours a try.

Without trying to appear clever or big-headed, one thing I can do is mix up a good level of skin colours and flesh tones. My wife sometimes says she does not like my works, but she does like the skin tones! Using this, I made up several mixes and had a go trying to reproduce a likeness of our female model.

And pleased with the results I am too. This must be the first time that I can think of that I have really got to grips with washes and limited palette colours all in one session. Of course, they are not perfect, but as with all things, that little word practice just seems to pop up again and again.

Why don't you get yourself some materials and have a go - I'm sure you would enjoy it, and maybe even be pleasantly surprised with your results!



Sunday, 22 November 2009

Hi there, and hope you all enjoyed your weekends.

By reading the previous few blogs, you will all have some ideas as to what it is that I have been up to, and am up to. For those who have not: chickens, grandaughter's art competition, practice.

Now that the big art competition is over, I am back to practicing and working on ideas, some of which include for my hens to make a bit of an impact on my work. Well, not them exactly, though I bet someone will have already thought of the idea of using hens feet dipped in paint to walk all over a canvass and sell it for thousands, if not millions!

I have, what I hope, are a few different ideas, that I have run past a very good friend of mine, who thinks there may be something in it too. There are now several pieces of paper with written ideas and scribbled notes on, and a similar number of sheets of paper with sketches etc on them that are now joining the "project pile".

Of course we all know and understand that ideas, notes, plans, thoughts and brainwaves etc can and usually do always end up in tears, or just plain old simple frustration. That is, of course, if they ever get past the "I'll just pop it over here and get back to it in six months" pile in the first place!

Hopefully all will not be lost; the practice will be worth it, the ideas will come to fruition, and the sketches will be a springboard for better things.

Whatever your styles - enjoy your art.


Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Oh Dear Followers...........

I just have to share this with you.

Last week our 7 year old grand daughter told us she was entering her school art competition, and could I offer some help. I put together some rough cat sketches for her, gave her a proper artists pad, pencil and putty rubber, and told her to take it home and practice. That is just what she did.

As a result her pencil work of her 2 cats was voted into the top 4 by pupils and teachers of the school, and she was all excited that this week the voting was going down to the top 3 places.

As soon as she got home from school she rang us: not only had she got into the top three places - she had WON THE COMPETITION!!!!!!

No massive prize, just doing so well was enough for her to appreciate the need to practice, and that is something we can all learn from. She did 5 attempts at each cat, and on the completed work even put a mouse in front of the cat! Artistic license.

On a very happy note, enjoy your art.


Monday, 16 November 2009

Eggxciting times!

Howdy Bloggers

Hope you are all well as usual, and don't forget - there are only so many shopping days left to Xmas!

As an update to all you eager updaters - here goes. Thursday I had 2 whitish eggs, obviously from 2 of my hens, both being soft shelled and of no use. Think on though - they are young hens and it's a "first" for them, with what could be quite a shock! However, Saturday I had the very pleasant surprise of an egg from my last hen to lay; we caught sight of her nestled in the coop, so had a good idea as to what she was hopefully up to.

Imagine if you can the thrill of discovering a perfect blue shelled egg once she had left the coop and gone outside to join the others!

Nothing else until today, when I had a second blue shelled egg - we are on our way!

As yet there is no repeat from the first couple of hens, but as I said, they are young, so I'm not worried.

This has given me fresh impetus to try and get them down on paper etc, and I have started to try a few loose watercolours and sketches as they explore and go about their new world around the back garden when we let them out of the run.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks, I may be able to show you the produce of my labours too.

Whatever your art, enjoy it.


Friday, 13 November 2009


Greetings Bloggers.

Today is only a short post - how can that be from someone who is 6'3" I hear you all say, but that is how it is.

I have to report, and quite proudly so - that yesterday 2 of my 3 hens laid their first eggs. Being overcome with joy, it's taken me until today to calm down enough tell you all, but I love my chickens and it's a big moment between us and our bonding process.

There are founded rumours that I may have started to attempt my first watercolour using one of then as a subject.

When it's done - you will see it here first - another World Exclusive for you all.

Until then, enjoy your art.


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Roll on bedtime.

Hello once again - how you all doing?

Well - after my son's recent wedding, which combined a long weekend away and an even longer drive, plus all the other things that have been happening to us, I now have yet another occupation.

I have recently taken delivery of 3 chickens (does that make me a smallholder?), which after a 2 week confinement to their run, they now have free range over the back garden! It has taken me a good few weeks to build the run, bit at a time, and to be honest, I'm still tweaking with it, but they are wonderful. My eye though, is always watchful of them finding an escape route somewhere!

Maintenance I'm finding is quite minimal compared to other animals, plus sometime in the not too distant future, we hope to have eggs. THAT - I am really looking forward to. They are so much fun, even now, and I really can't wait for next spring and summer to stay out in the garden with them and enjoy them to the full.

One of my aims for next year is to try and produce some works involving them. That should be fun - being able to sit and sketch and work away in our own back garden with a living subject. Hopefully I will be able produce some nice works in watercolours, pastels, inks and acrylics. Wonder if I can get them to hold a pose????

That adds another string to my proverbial bow; something else to occupy me through the day, yet give me some inspiration. It's no wonder I get so tired at the end of the day (or even during). Roll on bedtime!

Enjoy your art - as ever!
