Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Hi again - hope you are all well.

Today - seeing as some of you - well go on then - all of you, have been so good lately, I've decided to give you all a treat.

So, please find enclosed the last three of my works. They all need no introduction - just a slight apology for the quality. Guess I was just too excited!

Hope you like them, and that you think that they were worth waiting for.
Enjoy your art.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Mixed weekend

Why hello there - fancy meeting you here!

Well, the big arts event has turned out to be a very mixed weekend to say the least!

Saturday was a little slow, but I still had 4 sales of smaller items, enough to keep things ticking over and helping to pass the time. The people who came in were more browsers and Saturday shoppers, just popping in for a look. Two surprise celebrity guest visitors certainly helped brighten up the day - anyone spot someone familiar???

Sunday was as different again. People visiting this day seemed more involved with their art; they stayed longer and asked more questions of the artists, crafts people and their work. This seemed to really lift the mood and atmosphere of the whole hall, and was a real pleasure to be a part of.

Towards late morning I sold my large Scooby-Doo work - acrylic on hardboard. The chap who bought it said it would be a feature and make a good talking point in his dining room. I couldn't agree more! A man of taste - just like me!

But then I had to pack up and leave very quickly - my wife had a fall and broke her arm. So that obviously took a priority and put paid to the event for me. As of now - I am unsure if I will be able to attend for the second weekend, but priorities must.

Until next time - enjoy your art.


Friday, 18 September 2009

Insight Eve

Good morning!

Hello, and a very warm welcome to you serious art appreciators, and to my regular followers.

Today is Insight Eve - the day before we open the doors for the first weekend to the public for our big art and crafts show - and the one where we go along and set up! Gosh - it's all so exciting.

My works are all wrapped up, easels etc in the car - bags of bits and accessories, but you know how it is, there is bound to be something forgotten. Still, I suppose that is all part of the fun - until you realise it is just the one thing you can NOT do without. Aaarrghh!

Yesterday I was interviewed by a good friend and presenter of mine for regional radio, which was an experience indeed. I think my reputation is still in tact. At least I have not received any threatening emails etc so far today, and I've just checked my post-box for hate mail. All clear.

As a result of all this workload, I have not had time to post any new photo's for you to peruse, but hopefully I will be able to post some next week, during the "lull" in exhibitions. I think off the top of my head there are 3 new works to show you, but a look through my art photo's may reveal a couple more.

OK - time to make another cuppa, sit with my feet up and relax until this evening, when I will be leaping out of my car like a SWAT team member and getting to grips with setting up.

Until next time - enjoy your art.


Friday, 11 September 2009

Looking Good!

My - how time flies - especially when you're having fun!

Only 7 more pictures to box frame, and 3 of those frames are already cut and glued; just waiting for me to finish the paintings so I can attach them.

We have had our final meeting for the forthcoming Insight art and crafts event held in the region, with ours being held in the Imperial Hall in Epworth, North Lincs, England on the 2 following weekends - September 19/20 and September 20/27 . We also have a very local member who is running a ceramics event at the same time - details from the above venue. But it is in very easy walking distance, passing a local art gallery as you make your way.

I recently ordered some new business cards (visions of grandeur or what?), and they arrived today; and, very nice they are too. That's a nice lift. Another is finding that one of my works has been included on the postcards to promote the event. Things are looking good!

Right, now you have all been updated - it's back to my painting, so please - don't disturb me unless it's important!!!!!!

Enjoy your art.


Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Well hello there!

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my little old Blog; hope you enjoy it, and the life changing effect it will have upon your life. It does mine. After all, I've had to start and make time to write my Blog - so that has changed my life for a start!

As regular readers will be aware, I am taking part in an annual Arts & Crafts event called "Insight", which is now only 2 weeks away - and counting! Today I have been continuing my quest to get all of my hardboard works fitted with box-frames - ready for the sale. I now have 4 medium-sized works done; 7 smaller works have had their frames made today, ready for gluing to tomorrow, which leaves me with only 5 large works to make frames for, then attach them to in the remaining 2 weeks. Easy!

Also in preparation for said event, last night I designed and ordered some business cards - just in case. Well, you never know, and if the occasion arises and it turns out I have none - then who's fault is it? Anyway, they arrive next week.

What I really am excited about though is the fact that today I received a number of promotional postcards to distribute for the event - and one of my works is one of a number used to illustrate the cards and event!!!!!! And, it came as a complete surprise, I can tell you. How nice of the organisers too.

So, with all of this hyper activity going on, I had better have a rub down with a wet towel and a some of my medication to help me calm down!

Until next time - enjoy your art.



Friday, 4 September 2009


Yo Followers!

Hey - getting back into the swing of things eh? - 2 posts on just about as many days and all that!

Well, actually it's a matter of 2 things: firstly I have started making box frames for some of my hardboard paintings (3 down, only another 12 or so to go then); secondly - I have been being helpful. Yes - that's what I typed - you read it here first.

Spirited chap that I am and all that, I have been setting up a Twitter account for my favourite Internet radio station. Oh go on - you all should know it by now - http://www.wildbeatzradio.com/ . Not that I'm a name dropper by any account you understand, but, I am probably their wildest listener. Well at the very least one of their official "Wildies" - so be warned! (He typed, laughingly.)

So, back to reality. Now when this glue has set by morning - I may be able to get it surgically removed from my hands!

Enjoy your music and your art!


Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Steady Now!

Greetings to you all - whatever your time zone!

Yes - 'tiz I - typing here once again from the heart of Edrick Central. Steady now - don't go getting all excited, and coming over all unnecessary. So how you all doing? Really? Great.

Well I have to put my hand up and admit that since my last posting in July, I have had times of forgetfulness, not being able to, and even times of lethargy. I know - shock horror - and I apologise for it. Even one of my followers has commented about it (and rightly so). Some of my art has suffered too, but hopefully there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

At the moment I am working hard towards a regional art exhibition held over two weekends at the end of September. I am trying to make sure my work is up to scratch: putting a backing onto my hardboard works for helping with mounting etc, and ensuring any watercolour, pastel or acrylic on paper has a cardboard mount on it to better present them; also sorting out packing and transporting arrangements.

These are easier said than done! And ........................ then there is the problem of displaying work inside a building where you are not allowed to mount anything on the walls. Lots of practice with what will go on which easel and sorting works into presentation folders etc. How to best use the table space provided; a cloth to use for the table; maybe even some sort of clampable stand? I also have made some hardboard figures and put magnets on the back to use as maybe fridge magnets, so I need a metal sheet for displaying them.

Gosh, it all seems to be go!

There - my post is just about complete for today. There are no new works to show you as yet, but as I make progress in this event, then I will be able to get on with other ideas I have - and yes, I do have them, and write them down.............................................. now where's that blooming bit of paper gone.........................................

Whatever your art - enjoy it.
