Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Hello my 3 blog readers (that's how many I know read regularly for sure - so who is everyone else?).

Now then - how's things?

Named this post as "Flying" due the fact that a new cyberfriend of mine - Claire - mentioned to me I had not posted for a while; my, how the time "flies" as they say. And ...... it does. No sooner had I settled down after writing last Tuesday's "epic", than here we are again. I mentioned when first setting up my blog that I had wondered what it was that I was taking on!

Do not despair for me dear reader. It's not that bad at all - honest; it's just like many other things, down to that old friend, time!

So, using the theme of flying - here are two of my earlier works. The one on the left is of a male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, done in 2006, and is worked on plain cartridge paper, mainly done using pen and ink (yes, all the strokes are all individual and lovingly done using just an ink pen and not a brush in sight). Other media used in this are a couple of soft pastels, and a little touch of soft pencil.

Just to be on the careful side I sprayed it all with a pastel fixative just in case the pastel was smudged. Size wise it comes out fighting, measuring a massive 7"x5". Once done I simply put it under plain glass, backed with a small piece of hardboard, with no borders etc.

The right hand side work is of a Bittern, and is done purely using acrylics on pre-stretched canvas. These are very secretive birds, and I tried to capture it "blending" in among the reads where it lives in an Impressionistic, almost Abstract way. This one worked out being 16"x12" in size, again unframed or mounted, and was bought last year by a local lady.

In one of the earlier postings I mentioned that I was starting to have a go working on bamboo based paper - a "multi media" paper, and so far I am impressed with using it along with acrylic paints. Please be aware that this is only my opinion. Recently I purchased a small gouache set, and have used them too, but not in great depth. It turned out OK though, as did the brush and ink that I used. It's pastels and watercolours next, and I just know that you are on the edge of your seats!!


Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Dear Bloggers

It's Tuesday already, and though I don't write every day, I do try in theory to blog something at least twice a week (well, alright then - whenever I can or remember to).

I have to say, that since starting this 'ere blog in March, I have been totally amazed by the number of hits the blog has received in such a relatively short time - far more percentage wise than on a webiste for over a year! These things I have to admit I find quiet unreal.

In the grand scheme of things, I am not a prolific artist; my work is not well known around the world, and both my website and blog have started from total scratch with no-one having the foggiest who I am. For that I have to thank each and every one of you so very much.

One of my biggest and most sincere "Thank You's" goes to a young lady (well she's younger than me) who hosts a top internet radio show - http://www.wildbeatz.com/ no adverts, just great music. DjFreeSpirit has become a good friend through cyberspace - and long may it continue!

As mentioned recently, I am now trying out my work using bamboo paper - and I have to say I reckon it's really good - so far. Who would have thought that - bamboo paper? I wonder what great artists like Turner and Monet would have made of it all? Posting of some of that work will appear shortly.

For now - here's one of my works from last year - 4'x2'8" acrylic on hardboard hope you all enjoy it.


Saturday, 18 April 2009


Happy - whatever ..............

(there's bound to be a festival or carnival etc somewhere in the World going on!)

Would you believe it - this last little Bratz painting that has only just been completed this very weekend, has been snatched up and claimed already.

Remember the recent tale about little hands rummaging through a pile of stuff and saying that this one looks good etc, but it needs finishing? You do? Great, you have been reading and taking things in. Well, those same little hands have now laid claim to the finished piece.

Methinks it is a case of acquisition by stealth - or some other legal waffle, but you all get what I'm thinking of. Especially all those who have the pleasure of grandkids, or access to little ones close to you in your families that you can spoil.

I'm not complaining really. It's just so nice to see a very genuine look of pure pleasure on a little one's face when you can give them something that they really want and treasure, however simple it may be. They think they have in their hands the very prize of prizes - the ultimate item for them - until something new comes along then that goes in the back of a drawer, wardrobe or cupboard, and they rush off to get the next new thing!

Now, if only that stealth could very occasionally be transferred into movement around a house - sort of a "quiet as a mouse" type stealth. Wouldn't that be something!

Till next time.


Friday, 17 April 2009

Blistered Brushes!

Avast there, me hearty bloggers!

Well it sounded a good, wholesome, hearty welcome to me.

Anyway, gosh, it seems as if I have been painting non stop for, er ................ a long time.

Well to me it does anyway. But, at last, there is light at the end of the tunnel or tube - probably because it's empty due to me using so much. BUT, and it is a big but because it's in capitals (note the correct spelling our little American chums), very good progress has been made.

My last Bratz thing has been done, completed, finished, ended, so now I can take a little rest, recharge my battery powered drawing hand, and look forward to something else I have in the pipeline, as they say.
It really does seem as though my poor little brushes have blisters on them, they have been working so hard! But at least they have now seen the back (well, front really) of this batch of hardboard paintings.
My next paintings I must admit, I am rather looking forward to having a go at - in the nicest possible sense - because I am going to start and work on bamboo paper! Now don't go start getting all excited; I am not going all Oriental, far from it. It's a new medium (to me) that I have stumbled upon, and am really intrigued by its possibilities. More details to follow.
So don't miss the next thrill a minute, suspense filled edition that is "A Colourful Life".

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

3 Buses?

Good day to you, dear bloggers.

Ever heard the saying (familiar to all British types, but no doubt other languages have their own translation), that you can seemingly wait ages for a bus, then typically 3 come along at once? If not - it doesn't matter.

As you are all no doubt aware, having read the last post, I have just completed my 4 small Bratz acrylics, but now 2 more larger ones have appeared almost straight after them. Obviously I knew I had drawn them out, probably months ago, but I had forgotten they were "there" so to speak, until being rooted out by little hands seeing what was in a certain pile. "Oooo - these look good, you must paint them too."

Yeah, OK, it's not like I have anything else to do is it? And, you all know the situation: - those big eyes looking upwards at you, from a grubby face, full of love and expectation, almost with a tear of hero worship in them; and you start fumbling in your pockets, looking round for a collection tin. Then you snap out of it and realise you are being given your next task to keep you safe and occupied.

Safe? Correct. If I did not sit in and paint, then chances are I would have to go out, no doubt crossing the road at some point, and having checked to see if it's safe to do so, stepping out into the road, and 3 buses come along at once....................


Friday, 10 April 2009


At last bloggers - here they are!

Despite overcoming every technological hurdle known to man (and believe me, new ones are purposely invented daily, just to test me), I am pleased to be able to reveal my latest 4 acrylics.

Yeah, they are of the Bratz origin; those noble, cute, loveable forms so endeared to our children and grandchildren, mainly of the female variety (though other genders are readily avaliable).

Each one of them is painted on hardboard using acrylic paint, primed with up to 3 coats of gesso - each one lovingly applied by mine own hand, and sanded in between coats to reveal a surface akin to, er ................. primed hardboard!

I have to be honest, and ask you - what more could you possibly want or ask for in a fine work of art?

As I hope you are already aware of (this is a test to see which of you have been reading all of my previous blogs) - none of these 4 gorgeous pin-up girls are for sale.

BUT! I hear you all gasp - such and such a one is:

a) just like my current girlfriend

b) just like my sister

c) nothing like anyone in our family

d) like one I saw on "Most Wanted"

e) the girl of my dreams and I need to get out more.

So there you have it (well, them technically speaking, as there are obviously more than one of them). Each one of these roughly speaking 8" x 10" beauties is one her way to a bedside in a hospice near me!

Seriously - hope you like them, and they add a bit of colour to the day.


Monday, 6 April 2009

Kids - eh?

Hello there.

I know you will all be on the edge of your seats, dying to find out the next exciting installment that is part of "A Colourful Life". Well, here it is!

Like all good laid plans, there is always that small moment in time that we dread that throws a proverbial spanner in the well-oiled works. You know the sort - earthquakes, swarms of locusts, world migration etc - OR - asking a newly reached 7 year old a simple question! So it was with the newly "completed" acrylics and my granddaughter.

"Oh Paby, they are just so good so far that I could faint, but they are not done, yet." She lovingly told me. "WHAT!" I turned in slow motion - mouth agape in disbelief. Where, why, what, how?

"Well, you haven't painted in their eyeshadow or eyelashes yet." Don't you just love kids; especially smart ones, even though they are your own?

But, to be honest, once I had come back off the inhaler and the medication had been given time to kick in, I was glad of her honesty. It was such a blatant mistake on my part - one of those so glaringly obvious that I had missed it.

Now we are "cool" or "chilled" again - let's take a practical look at the situation. I had given a fresh pair of eyes a chance to cast a critical eye over what I had done, and those young eyes had found a very valid fault. This brings me to say, that no matter how finished you may think something is, always leave it for a time so you can keep looking at it for faults before handing it over, or get someone else to take a look at it for you and give you their honest thoughts. Better still - DO BOTH!

A situation such as this also highlights the fact that everyone, no matter how young they may be, can have a truly valid point to make, and should only be discarded at your own peril. It gives you that final chance to make sure you have gotten it right, whatever it is you are working on, and saves you making the silliest of mistakes. Then, and only then, can you hand it over, safe in the knowledge that you have achieved your aims, and that the child really does have the right to faint!

As a result, the photographs will now appear in a future edition. Stay tuned!


Friday, 3 April 2009


Good evening dear reader.

I lead a fairly simple life, my wife tells me, and as such, I have to tell that my latest "bits" are now finished - 4 small acrylics of "Bratz" characters.

Now, before any big, high-powered legal counsil starts court proceedings, these are NOT FOR SALE - savvy? They will be going along with my other donations to a local children's hospice to hopefully bring a little cheer into their difficult, young lives. OK?

My master plan is to photograph them tomorrow, weather permitting etc, then get them uploaded onto this young blog so you can mull over them at your leisure.

That is all.

Blog over.


Thursday, 2 April 2009


Yes, I have missed 2 days of postings after having previously done 2 consecutive (can you follow that?), but the reason is FRUSTRATION. Agghhhh!!!

My watercolour paints, brush and palette have been non-stop for the most part of this last week, using most of my free time (and time allotted for painting) - but, I am afraid to say, all to no visible success! The drawings have been fine - I've been pleased with them, but on the downside I have to admit that I'm disappointed at the results. BUT - at least I'm being honest.

Everything I've touched has not quite turned out as I was hoping - I'm not sure quite why just yet; perhaps I'm still trying too hard, maybe I'm doing things wrong, it can't be my equipment, and my drawings have been more than reasonable.

On the positive side - I could put it all down to practice. Time spent working is never wasted in my eyes. Everything done can be used as a learning experience. The more you draw - the better they get, and if we think logically about it, we all learn to draw before we paint.

The alternative - I'm refreshing myself by doing acrylic works of 4 girly cartoon figures for my granddaughter.

Hope she likes them or my frustration may just sink into depression!
